The Proper Bostonian Quilters Guild is a diverse and vibrant group of women dedicated to the art and appreciation of all things “quilt”. Our twice-monthly meetings (most 2nd and 4th Wednesdays except November, December, and June) are on the informal side and are always filled with food and fun! We alternate between morning and evening meetings.
The Fall of 2023, we moved all our meetings to a new location:
St Pius X Church, 101 Wolcott Rd, Milton, MA 02186.
The PBQ annual calendar includes a little of everything – monthly raffles, outside speakers and workshops, Show and Tell, potluck dinners and even overnight quilt camps in Maine and New Hampshire. There is aso a Day Camp for sewing and sharing ideas once a month at St Pius Church in Milton, MA. We try to fit in one bus day-trip every other year to acquaint ourselves with every possible quilt shop near and far. We issue a Summer Challenge to keep us busy during the vacation months. PBQ holds quilt shows every other year in odd years. Last show was in the fall of 2019. Because of the pandemic, there hasn’t been a big show for a while. Our next show will be Spring 2025. Mini focused quilt shows occur at the Boston Public Library in West Roxbury, MA, once or twice a year.
Although the PBQ guild was founded by a small group of friends and continues to be on the small side (approximately 65 members), we have big hearts and a strong community spirit. PBQ’ers traditionally make a large bed quilt every two years and raffle it to raise money for local food pantries. An annual donation is also made to the New England Quilt Museum. Members have made teddy bears, pillowcases and quilts that are donated to various local organizations assisting men, women and children in need. Recent projects have benefited ConKerr Cancer, Linus Quilts, Casa Nueva Vida, the St. Matthew’s Food Pantry in Dorchester, and U.S. military servicemen and women.
We meet at St Pius X Church, 101 Wolcott Rd, Milton, MAon the 2nd and 4th WEDNESDAYS of the month from September through June. Half our meetings are in the morning, with the other half in the evening. Check the Calendar Tab in the bar at the top of this page for exact time for each meeting.
New members are always welcome! Our dues are $35 per year and visitors are welcome with a $5 donation at speaker meetings.
Attention! For Show and Tell, if you do not want your quilt's photo taken, it is your responsibility to inform the photographer. Otherwise, PBQ will assume you give your permission to take and display online a photo of the quilt shown.
Contact us via email at
Guild Officers and Volunteers
Guild members volunteer for various positions to keep the guild running smoothly. Getting involved is a great way to get know everyone and to get the most out of the PBQ experience. View the list of our Officers and Volunteers.
Guest Speakers
We have great speakers who come to meetings throughout the year. Learn more about them on our Speaker’s Page.
Sharing with the Community - Charity Quilts
Members of our guild make and donate quilts and pillowcases to a number of groups in the local community. Click here to read more about donation items and see guidelines to make items for donation.
Visit our Member’s Blogs and Websites
Our members have some great blogs and websites.
See what they have been doing.
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Proper Bostonian Quilters is a club in the state of Massachusetts. It is not a business nor a non-profit. No e-commerce is done on this website. This Squarespace website does collect cookies to determine traffic on the website and to see how the website is utilized. For example, it shows which pages are viewed most often, what words are searched and whether traffic is from computers or is from mobile devices. You may opt out by declining the use of cookies on this site. We do not collect names or date of birth, addresses, e-mail addresses nor do we send newsletters to visitors to this site.