Charity Quilts Descriptions – Fall 2016
Kace gave an update on our charity quilt projects.
o Pre-school nap quilts in the 40"-50" range are needed.
§ We give them to a variety of places including Judy K's organization for homeless day care children and Project Linus.
o quilts in all sizes from baby to adult.
§ Case Nueva Vida in Jamaica Plain.
o lap size to bed size
§ We are also committed to providing quilts to our service men and women through the Veterans Administration. Quilts with a red, while, and blue focus are particularly appropriate, but any color-way is appreciated.
§ A suggestions was made that if we make an extra Block of the Month in patriotic fabrics each month, at the we'll have a good start on a patriotic sample quilt by the end of the year.
Kace brought lots of fabric for the taking to make charity quilts. Bring these quilts in for show & tell before sending them off to these organizations.
October 12, 2016 Charity Quilts
Chevrons by Pauline, Disney by Kace, Elvin by Kace and Ginny K, Pink block of the month by Lois H, Pinwheels by Pauline

Charity Quilts - September 14, 2016 - Two quilts submitted.
Three additional quilts were donated on May 25th for people affected by the forest fires. Thank you Judy T for arranging to gather and send all of the quilts and mats including these: 4, 5, 6.
Charity quilts donated for people affected by the forest fires around Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
3 quilts and the dog crate mats 24 x 36" were donated. You can see these quilts 1, 2, 3 and dog crate mats online.
Also, Jeanne S. makes and has donated Wheelchair quilts with pockets! See both online.
This thank you note was received from the Putnam Children's Community Center in response to quilt donations from the members of PBQ.
Resulting quilts can be seen here at the Charity Quilts Workshop Quilts page for February and at the Charity Quilts for March page.
Quilts made for The Horizons for Homeless Children Preschool.
The last one shown is one of five basketball quilts made for children in foster care.
Patterns for Charity Quilts
Here's a blogger who has been collecting patterns for easy charity quilts who states she hopes guilds will use her page as a resource. Yay! Clearly it's ok to use this link.( I found that photos of about half the quilts didn't load on the page but the links to those patterns were all working.)
Log Cabin in a Star Raffle Quilt - 2014 for Somerville Homeless Coalition