Welcome Spring
It has been a busy winter for the members of PBQ.
Our Annual Charity Quilt-making Round Up was a huge success. We met one evening in February and set up in groups for the various stages of quilt making. It allowed us not only to contribute to a larger cause but, in some cases, to meet and talk to quilters we had not had a chance to meet before that night. There was a real sense of what a quilting bee must have been like in historical times.
The Hexagons - Traditional and Modern Quilts Exhibit at the West Roxbury Public Library that took place in January was another exhibit of the creative and talented quilters of PBQ. It was well attended and some of the attendees were asking about the guild and how to join. The feedback was highly favorable!
A PBQ group quilt recently hung in the Modern Quilter show in South Carolina. Congratulations to that group.
PBQ has a number of events coming up this Spring: Member Demonstration Meeting, Workshop with Marge Tucker on March 25, 2017, Maine Quilt Camp in April, Silent Auction Meeting, Mystery Quilt Unveiled, Spring Pot Luck—last meeting of the year—in June, and New Hampshire Quilt Camp in June.
We are preparing for our 2017 Bi-annual Quilt show that will take place in the fall. Our raffle quilt is well under way to completion and beautiful already. We will have more information on our show in future blogs.
Happy Spring 2017!
Welcome Spring